[This podcast originally aired on January 23, 2012] On January 6, 2012, our profession got word via Facebook that the legendary chiropractic icon, Reggie Gold, had fallen ill and would not make it through the night. What followed was an outpouring of love, encouragement, and gratitude via the social network of Facebook. It was profound! …It was so profound that we felt a tug of responsibility to capture some of the voices behind it — to not only pay homage to this amazing chiropracTOR, but to form a time capsule that would display this happening for future generations of chiropractors and historians to come. Essentially, this podcast is a collection of voice mails from all over the world that is but a small sliver of a representation to the lives that Reggie Gold impacted. The mere fact that this podcast is 2 hours and 32 minutes long should speak to this testimony. The best part of this story, however, is that Reggie shocked the doctors and did not pass that night — but lived! His wife, Irene, made it known that the Facebook comments and emails which were sent Reggie’s way, which she lovingly read by his bedside, were an incredible boost to his recovery. So, what started out here at SpinalColumnRadio as sense of responsibility to act as a platform for the profession to remember a Reggie Gold that had passed… turned into a platform to celebrate the legacy of a Reggie Gold that still lives! |